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Stefan Schridde Researcher, Expert, Publisher

Stefan Schridde is a researcher, expert, publisher and speaker on planned obsolescence. He worked as a project developer und –manager for more than thirty years in different firms and organisations. Since 2004 he is freelancer, management coach, founder and director of ARGE REGIO Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung GmbH, Germany. Since 2012 he is leading a cross-media-campaign “BOTCH? NO THANKS!” against planned obsolescence and for product durability. In 2014 he founded „BOTCH? NO THANKS! e.V.” a non-profit organization for consumer protection.

Born 1961, Dipl. Betriebswirt (FH), father of two children, since 1986 projectresponsibility in technical and managementpositions

Stefan Schridde studied Business Administration in Würzburg and is now a seniorconsultant for heterogeneous developmentprojects, targeted implementation, creative crisismanagement and regional transfersuccesses. Stefan Schridde is the initiator of the campaign and CEO of botch? NO THANKS! eV , a civic consumer protection organization for sustainable productquality and against planned obsolescence.

Numerous publications, lectures, radio and television interviews on planned obsolescence. For more than 30 years of management and projectresponsibility in corporations, SMEs, hospitals, municipalities, associations and numerous projects. Since 2004 he has worked as a teacher, coach and consultant for urban and regional development, business development, projectmanagement, human resource development, quality management and social media. He is managing partner of ARGE REGIO Urban and Regional Development GmbH .

As founder of the initiative botch? NO THANKS! eV carries Stefan Schridde significantly to the debate on the damaging consequences of planned obsolescence through out Europe. For this he is in direct communication with parties, parliamentary groups, MPs, ministries, government agencies, universities, institutes, research institutions, trade unions, NGOs and other friendly networks. Stefan Schridde and “botch? NO THANKS! eV “are partners from the Ministry of Environment, Federal Environment Agency, DIN Institute, VDI Center for Resource Efficiency, VDI regional associations, VDE state associations, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, various Fraunhofer companies, several universities and IG METAL in this field. At theUniversity of Technology and EconomicsBerlin Stefan Schridde teaches (since SS 2014) in the fields of Engineering Sciences (FB 2) and design (FB5) to the topic of the planned obsolescence (currently pausing).

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