Member-Retreat: The inner and the outer journey
The Inner and the Outer Journey
Wisdom Together Retreat 14th-16th February 2020 at SeinZ in Bad Kohlgrub
What is your question
There are moments in life, where we need to step back, look into ourselves to find the question which is driving us at that moment in time. It is not about the answer; it is about the question and its origin. It is very specific, individual and intimate, yet at the same time, we may realize that it can be helpful to do this search together with others, partners and friends who are also looking for their question. Be open to share where we want to be open, and being with ourselves, where and when this is needed. Finding your inner wisdom is finding your inner question. It is an ever-evolving process with manifestations happening in every moment. This is the beauty of life. This is what we call Wisdom Together.

Invitation to
We want to invite you to create this conscious and sacred place together with us for this journey to your inner question. You might have a concrete occasion, like an “outer” journey to a special place, like Bhutan, which you may want to prepare for within yourself. Or you find yourself at a place, where you feel stuck, not knowing where to go or where to look at. Finding your question will give you guidance and a deeper understanding of where you are and who you are. You might be at a place where you have difficulties to decide what to do, which path in your life you want to pursue. Looking into yourself, finding your inner question will give you clarity on where to go and why.
All those personal moments, and there are many more, which we are open to look at, have a unifying element in the inner- and the outer journey.
What will happen
We will provide the place and the room for being with yourself, changing perspectives, listening to your body, connecting with nature and creating moments for sharing on a deeper level in Wisdom Circles where expressions and connections can be manifold. You will find inspirations through hints, questions, images, words, sounds, colors, gestures and much more on your path to your inner question.
And we will continue
meeting again two month later at the same place. Reflecting on what had happened. What did we experience during our outer journey? Sharing, sensing and listening to what yourself and others had experienced. Together we will create that space, that moment of deep reflection and mirroring your experience in the light of your question. And most important, what is your question now? What did you learn by not focussing on the answer but on the question and what are you willing to share with others, who might join the group first time? These are the moments when your inner wisdom connects with the collective Wisdom and becomes Wisdom Together.
We are looking forward to seeing you in SeinZ on the 14th – 16th February and 24th – 26th of April.
These retreats will be bilingual (English/German).
Alfred & Yuko Tolle