Impressions Wisdom Conference 2019
Thank you for your interest in Wisdom Together. The Wisdom Together Conference “Engagement – from the inner core!” Munich 2019 was an amazing and inspiring event. Our speakers came to Munich, from California, India, the Himalaya, Greenland, Sweden, Japan, Lithuania, Germany, the Dominican Republic and Ireland to share their wisdom and knowledge, but also to learn from all participants so that the ripples of wisdom and consciousness could spread, and are still spreading out to the world. Thank you all for you openess, curiosity and Engagement – from the inner core!
Enclose you find some impressions for the conference, credentials, pictures and the videos of introduction and reflexions (currently in German only. The english version will be available in a couple of month). If you are a member of Wisdom Together e.V. ( you will find in the next couple of month the vidos from all speakers on your LogIn site. If you are not a member, you can purchase the videos on the website of auditorium network (only in German language soon.
If you are interested in further activities of Wisdom Together e.g. local Wisdom Talks, retreats and partner events, please check out our website
We are looking forward to seeing you again soon!
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I am still so humbled and happy, and so grateful for your invitation and the events in Munich that created this amazing energy inside of me.
Thank you so very much for everything. For me personally it was a fascinating and transformative experience, for all the people in the room there was something so special and connected, and for our world, what you managed to bring together is indeed new hope and a new and yet incredibly old way of growing: together….
I have told my parents and all my family here in Romania about you and the people I met, and we all are in awe that indeed all the intelligence and knowledge around the world can only make the world a better place if it is brought together, and if we all (especially the powerful) become aware of our trajectories and question our goals and values and especially our ways of achieving them.
Being the best we can be, as individuals and as groups, is an enormous source of energy. Yet only by calibrating each others intentions and contributions, as well as being very aware of the consequences of our actions, can we make sure that we create good, and we damage less, each other and the whole planet.
I truly felt that the conference was and felt like wisdom together…. It is incredibly powerful, I am extremely grateful, and you all gave me renewed strength to believe that there is power in togetherness and that our individual knowledge has so much more potential when put/brought together. Of course my whole work with group identities and collective action is based on precisely these principles, yet to experience them at these multiple levels of existence was a completely new experience for me.
The global, diverse and multimodal exchanges, from the spoken words to the music, from the achievements of children to those of science, from the power of individual acts of kindness that will create ripples, to the creation of hubs of innovation, from east to west and back again, and from the mind, heart and body…. What an amazing experience ….
Congratulations for your vision to make all this happen. And thank you from all my heart for giving me a part in it all.
I’m with my family for a week of holiday in my hometown Ploiesti (close to Bucharest), and I feel like my wings are spread from Greenland to the Himalayas, to Japan and the Americas, with an energy core in Munich with you two and your amazing team. Wow…. Thank you! Thank you so much!!!!
Wisdom together – I’ve been joining for nearly one year now. First there was an impulse by a very close friend who told me about the idea. When I looked up the homepage I was already close to the ideas spread there and decided to attend a first wisdom talk in Munich – where the spirit and the making of the talk made me feel more inspired and more connected, both with the philosophy and with people acting. My first retreat I attended in Bad Kohlgrub last autumn with the title „Who am I?“ Brought me even closer to the group and the movement itself.
The last conference in Munich 23rd and 24th of June 2019 with „Engagement from the inner core“ was a further highlight with so many inspiring people and speeches enriching me and myself immensely. Such a vibrating energy, people, ideas and thoughts! I met familiar faces and could also connect to so many new and interesting people, who have to say something, who were willing to share their living and their purposes to the world. And, luckily, I could also inspire others myself, being thankful for that as well.
I discovered so many new sides in myself or got them mirrored. I felt very connected – and could feel that there is a movement at this point of time which takes me into a group of very like-minded people trying to change the world into something better. This was really huge, immense, from the very ground to the very core and beyond.
So this was another big step for me, for more connection, into the core confidence of life itself, how beautiful life is, how grateful I am to be able to get such deep experiences, for the confidence that there are many people nowadays trying to change the world from our inner core. And that we further connect – both in a very conscious and even on a subconscious level – and the movement is growing. And that there is always space and energy to get us growing – in the seen and the unseen space.
Now, its time (for me) to spread the spirit further. To send more ripples into the world. Beginning at the place where I am living, in Stuttgart.
It was a dream-like experience, enriching and nurturing hope. Thank you for all your kindness sharing thoughts, ideas and hearts. My deep gratitude for Alfred and Yuko and blessings in what you do. I came back home feeling very light and uplifted. Would love to be in services for all of you.
Im Rückblick auf die wundervolle WTC nehme ich zwei Tage voller Inspiration, tiefgreifenden Momenten und einem Gefühl von Verbundenheit und Freundschaft mit! Danke an alle, die diese zwei Tage möglich gemacht haben!
Ich bin dankbar für die großartigen Speaker, die aus der ganzen Welt zusammengekommen sind und ihr Herzensthema, eben ihren ganz persönlichen Weg, ihr Engagement, mit uns geteilt haben.
Und gleichermaßen hat auch jeder einzelne Gast dazu beigetragen, dass mir eine Atmosphäre voller Offenheit, Neugier und Freundschaft begegnet ist.
Alle lernen voneinander, miteinander und wir alle wachsen. Danke Yuko und Alfred für euer großartiges Engagement, genau das, in dieser Form, möglich zu machen.
Ich freue mich auf ein Wiedersehen!!
I’d like to add my appreciation as well! Thank you to all of you beautiful souls who contributed so much to my, and to each of our, learning and expanding.
Thank you for your generosity in bringing us together Alfred and Yuko. That takes so much work and time and care …and I sincerely appreciate it.
It is good to be connected to more nodes of goodness and beauty and to all of your work to support the evolution of the heart of humanity.
did you still feel the soulful resonance of your stunning event? I am still trembling remembering all those good vibrations. So here is my great and warm hello to all of you being part of this gathering. Dear participants, next wisdom is coming. So please let us keep in contact and feel free to ask me if I can be a help for you.
Ich habe beruflich viel mit Menschen zutun, die auf Bühnen reden. Ich war jedoch noch nie auf einer Veranstaltung, auf der so viele Menschen so angebunden und gehaltvoll gesprochen haben – Kernessenzen zu verschiedensten Themen aus der ganzen Welt. Wisdom Together ist tatsächlich erlebbar.
back in everyday life, it still feels a bit like walking on cloud number 9. Thanks a lot for sharing all your thoughts, energy and wisdom as well as insights into the access to your inner core. Being part of this journey was and is a real great experience and honor for me.
Alfred and Yuko, thank you, thank y, thank you as facilitators and designers of this wonderful journey. Without you and your engagement from the inner core it would not have been possible.
“It is the second time I attend a Wisdom Together conference, and the second time I feel the depth of this work.
Not only do the conference speakers provide amazing insights and new age thinking, but you leave the events with a renewed sense of purpose and wholeness as individuals and as part of humanity.
The energy that underlines Wisdom Together’s intent, is to show light and be light in our endeavours, professions, families and social structures we form part of…there is much wisdom to feel and be part of”
I’m delighted to join in this chorus of gratitude! Thank you, all, for our time together.
As Alfred and Yuko had intended, the conference held up a mirror to our like-hearted work in the world across so many different sectors of society. And I trust that our synergies will continue to emerge. From my end, if I/ServiceSpace can be helpful in any way, please feel free to call on me as your brother in service.
On my train ride to the Munich airport, I sat next to a deaf person. With the only gesture I know in sign language, I shared “I love you.” And he was so elated, as was I, at this unexpected moment of connection. #EngagementFromTheInnerCore 🙂
Zunächst einmal ist sofort die Professionalität und die Liebe zum Detail aufgefallen, mit der alles organisiert war und die unglaubliche Bandbreite an Referenten.
Trotz der wirklich unterschiedlichsten Herkünfte und Lebenswege der Referenten war der rote Faden in der Konferenz immer spürbar und alle Sprecher haben nicht nur den Kopf sondern auch das Herz angesprochen. Was dazu geführt hat, dass mein Taschentuchverbrauch während der zwei Tage erstaunlich angestiegen ist 🙂
Dieser rote Faden ist tatsächlich sehr schwer zu vermitteln, wenn es darum geht, anderen Personen, die nicht teilgenommen haben, zu erklären, worum es denn nun eigentlich ging bei der Konferenz. Ich tu mir da sehr schwer, man muss es tatsächlich erlebt haben. Es war ein lebendiges Beispiel von BA, ein Konzept, dass mich stark anspricht. Ich weiß noch nicht wie, aber genau in diese Richtung zieht es mich – Räume schaffen für Austausch, sich öffnen dürfen und gemeinsam neues erschaffen, über Grenzen der Berufe und Gesellschaft hinaus.
Schade fand ich, dass so viele Teilnehmer am Abend nicht mehr anwesend waren. Gut, manche wollten ihren Flug erwischen oder mussten zur Familie. Aber gerade dieser Tagesabschluss hatte immer etwas ganz besonderes. Und auch den Start in den 2. Tag mit der Meditation fand ich spitze. Leider habe ich davon akustisch sehr wenig gehört, weil ich etwas weiter hinten saß (bin 5 min. zu spät gekommen und wollte nicht stören). Aber das macht nichts, denn ich habe dann einfach für mich meditiert und das gemeinsame Feld war trotzdem spürbar.
Viel Hoffnung macht mir das Schulkonzept von Margret Rasfeld, ich habe mir auch ihr Buch und die DVD gekauft. Hoffentlich verbreitet sich diese Art von Schule nun rasch. Auch Tashi & the Monk habe ich mir mittlerweile ganz angesehen und bin berührt und begeistert.
Ich danke Euch herzlich für den von Euch geöffneten Raum, Euren unglaublichen Einsatz und all die Energie, die Ihr auf vielen Ebenen in diesen Kongress investiert habt.
Es war meine eine Freude, daran teilzuhaben, wenn auch eine streckenweise herausfordernde (was ja zu meiner Arbeit gehört, zumal ich alleine dolmetsche, und das ist gut so).
Ich merke, wie stark die Information, die in dem Raum jenseits der Worte geteilt wurde, immer noch in mir nach schwingt, und das nehme ich auch mit etwas Staunen wahr.
Ich durften in den vergangenen 15 Jahren privat und als Dolmetscher in vielen sehr hoch schwingenden und zuweilen entsprechend intensiven Feldern unterwegs sein, und so glaube ich die Qualität dessen, was geteilt wurde, gut wahrnehmen zu können. Kurz gefasst: ich glaube fest, dass der Kongress einen großen Impact hat – auch wenn ich Euch herzlich wünsche, Ihr dürftet jetzt auch an finanzieller Fülle, und nicht nur “energetischer” Fülle dadurch teilhaben.