Ferose V.R., Global Executive SAP
VR Ferose is Senior Vice President and Head of Globalization Service for SAP SE. Before heading Globalization Services, he was the Managing Director of SAP Labs India. At 33, Ferose became one of the youngest Chief Executive of a Global Multi National Corporation (MNC) in India, a post he held for over 5 years. That path to traditional success took an unexpected turn with the birth of their son Vivaan, who they learned was on the Autism spectrum. Ferose had heard of a small group in Denmark that employed autistic children, so he flew out there, learned from them, joined the board — and then decided to hire 4 employees who were on the autism spectrum. Everybody is Good at Something. Ferose’s journey with that mantra didn’t stop with autistic children. While thinking about writing a book on leadership, he kept realizing that his heroes were actually those with disabilities. Not in any PR way, but actually.