Wisdom Together Retreat Nov 2019
Our next Wisdom Together Retreat starts on the 22nd November 2019 with a dinner at around 7pm and will end on the 24th November around 2pm in the SeinZ Hotel in Bad Kohlgrub
Impressions Wisdom Conference 2019
Thank you for your interest in Wisdom Together. The Wisdom Together Conference "Engagement - from the inner core!" Munich 2019 was an amazing and inspiring event. Our speakers came to Munich, from California, India, the Himalaya, Greenland, Sweden, Japan, Lithuania, …
WISDOM TALK in München. Die Kunst des schöpferischen Dialogs
Die Kunst des schöpferischen Dialogs: Mit neuem Denken die Zukunft gestalten 30. September 2019 - Impact Hub München Wisdom Together e.V. zusammen mit Katrin Oppermann-Jopp und Michael Jopp in german only